Joel and I went to Colorado this year to spend Thanksgiving with my family. We had a blast and a little taste of some snowy weather as well. It was kind of nice seeing how it apparently doesn't snow in Utah this year. Knock on wood...we will probably wake up to a foot of snow tomorrow now that I said that. I didn't have time to blog while in Colorado so I am finally getting around to wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. The first day that Joel and I were in Colorado we went bowling with the family. Jaden, my nephew below, loves to go bowling. Not even to actually go, he was bowling all weekend with water bottles and a volleyball in my parent's house. He is growing up so much I just can't even believe it. He is so cute and I love his shaggy hair. He has moved on from the fo hawk.

This is my mom and Jaden at the bowling alley.

Jaden almost got a strike!!!

Thanksgiving dinner....where do I even begin. First of all my mom decorates for every holiday like she owns it. She has so many decorations it is insane. Good thing they have a HUGE storage closet to store it all in. She decorated the dinner table so cute. Jaden also helped by making turkey name tags for the table with his hands. He has done that for the past three Thanksgivings.

Uncle Joel and Jaden

Aunt Monica and Jaden. And Shauna I did not sneak Jaden a chocolate leaf before dinner.....hehe

Most of my family. My mom took the picture and we sure did miss David and Amanda!!!

It was so fun to have snow on the ground!!!

Jaden loved this basket. He kept crawling in it and I think I captured quite the cute picture!!

On Saturday night my parents took Doug and Shauna and Joel and I out to dinner at Macaroni Grill and then to a play called White Christmas in down town Denver. The play was so much fun and got me so excited for Christmas. And then I saw this..... This is the City Hall building in Denver and they covered it completely with lights. This was so amazing and beautiful. I asked Joel how we could make our condo look like this!! Haha!! They had music playing and it really was just like a christmas wonderland.

We had so much fun in Colorado with my family and it was really hard to leave. We wish we didn't have to come back to work and school and reality. Thank you so much mom and dad for everything. We can't wait to see you in Provo for Christmas!!! We love you and miss you guys already!!!